A man walked for 1/3 hour and then got an automobile ride for 1/2 hour. What part of time consumed he ride on automobile?

  • 0.4
  • 0.6
  • 1.4
  • Non of these


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The total time the man spent walking and riding the automobile is:

1/3 hour (walking) + 1/2 hour (automobile ride) = 2/6 hour + 3/6 hour = 5/6 hour

So the man spent 1/2 hour on the automobile ride, which is a fraction of:

(1/2) ÷ (5/6) = (1/2) × (6/5) = 3/5

Therefore, the man rode on the automobile for 3/5 of the total time he consumed.

The answer is equal to 0.6, which is equivalent to 60%.

To obtain the percentage, we can multiply the fraction by 100:

3/5 * 100 = 60%

Therefore, the man rode on the automobile for 60% of the total time he consumed.