6 men, 7 women, and 5 children complete a job for 4400. If their individual wages are in the ratio of 4:3:2, the total money earned by the 5 children is:

  • 800
  • 900
  • 977
  • 990

To determine the total money earned by the 5 children, we need to calculate their share based on the ratio of their individual wages.

6 men
7 women
5 children
Total money earned: 4400
Wage ratio: 4:3:2 (men:women:children)

Total ratio 6*4 : 7*3 : 5*2 = 55

The total ratio of the wages of the men, women, and children is 55. This means that each unit in the ratio represents 4400/55 = 80 rupees.

The 5 children earn 5*2 = 10 units in the ratio, so they earn 10*80 = 800 rupees