General Knowledge MCQs
General Knowledge MCQs have been taken from notes of seasoned and most successive candidates for FPSC, PPSC, SPSC, KPPSC, BPSC and other competitive exams.
Where is Batman dam located?
- Greece
- Turkey
- Syria
- Iran
What is Tiangong?
- European Space Telescope
- Japanese Observatory
- Space Station of China
- Russian Spacecraft
Moraine is related to
- Glacial Deposits
- Desert Dunes
- Limestone Caves
- Oceanic Trenches
The smallest islamic country is:
- Jordan
- Qatar
- Maldives
- Bahrain
Which famous city in Turkey is located in both Asia and Europe?
- Izmir
- Ankara
- Istanbul
- None of these
Which is the highest peak of Africa?
- Mount Kenya
- Mount Kilimanjaro
- Mount Elgon
- None of these
Which is the largest city of the world in terms of population?
- London
- Tokyo
- New York
- None of these
History written by Father of History Herodotus was on
- Society
- War
- Politics
- None of these