Mock Test 58 06/11/2023 – by freshmcqs 2 Welcome to your Mock Test 58 Name Email WhatsApp Number 1. Red Lake is in Canada USA Australia France None 2. Which of the following is not a MS Power Point view? Slide View Slide Show View Presentation View Orientation View None 3. Mr. Nazir Ahmad Butt is Chairman of Pakistan Telecommunication Authority National Accountability Bureau Election Commission Senate None 4. Which Prophet of Allah had minimum age? Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) Hazrat Eesa (A.S) Hazrat Yaqoob (A.S) Hazrat Musa (A.S) None 5. How many square meters are in one square K.M? 1000 10000 100000 1000000 None 6. Which of the following is capital of Fiji? Lima Vientiana Suva None of these None 7. Which is the oldest divine book? Tawrat Injeel Quran Zaboor None 8. Which was the first Gulf state who recognized Israel? Qatar UAE Bahrain Oman None 9. Which part of the world is known as Great Britain of Pacific? China Japan Russia USA None 10. Which of the following is considered as the deepest lake of the world? Lake Superior Lake Victoria Lake Baikal Lake Erie None 11. Stanley Wolpert is famous for his biography on Benazir Bhutto Sir Winston Churchill Muhammad Ali Jinnah John F Kennedy None 12. Who is the head of Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission? Muhammad Naeem Dr. Raja Ali Raza Anwar Dr. Nazeer Ahmad Dr. Samar Mubarakh Mund None 13. Study of Spiders is called? Serology Arachnology Gerontology None of these None 14. Lala Lajpat Rai was a famous Punjabi leader associated with Unionist Party Dev Samaj Arya Samaj All India Muslim League None 15. Nippon is the stock exchange market of New York London Paris Tokyo None 16. Name the princely state other then Kashmir which caused a dispute between India and Pakistan Bahawalpur Junagarh Chitral Madras None 17. In which heaven Bait ul Mamur is situated? 1st 3rd 4th 7th None 18. The first session of Constituent Assembly of Pakistan was held on 11 August 1947 14 August 1947 15 August 1947 30 August 1947 None 19. "To be at loggerheads" meaning To cooperate with enemies To be in strong disagreement or dispute To face stiff opposition None of these None 20. Name of the prophet who is known by the title of Israel? Hazrat Ismail (A.S) Hazrat Yaqoob (A.S) Hazrat Yousaf (A.S) Hazrat Ishaq (A.S) None 21. Where is the headquarter of European Union? New York Brussels Vienna Amsterdam None 22. Synonym of Conjecture Serious To guess Outward None of these None 23. Where the Indian Ocean and Atlantic Ocean meet? Cape of Good Hope Aden Singapore None of these None 24. Synonym of Nonchalant Excited Natural Dispassionate Nervous None 25. Which is the largest gulf of the world? Gulf of Mexico Gulf of Aden Gulf of Thailand None of these None 26. The world's biggest bird is Eagle Ostrich Kiwi Owl None 27. Who is the current President of France? Emmanuel Macron Jacques Chirac Nicolas Sarkozy None of these None 28. The court language of Mughals in India was ______? Arabic Turkish Urdu Persian None 29. Who is the author of Kashf al Mahjub? Bahauddin Zikirya Data Ganj Bakhsh Shah Rukn e Alam Sir Syed Ahmad Khan None 30. Antonym of Sublime Low Strange Mean Rediculous None 31. Antonym of Abbreviate Abridge Achieve Accept Expand None 32. امراؤ جان ادا کس کی تحریر ہے؟ سر سید احمد خان ہادی رسوا پریم چند مستنصر حسین تارڑ None 33. اک چادر میلی سی کس کا ناول ہے؟ کرشن چندر منشی پریم چند کشور ناہید راجند سنگھ بیدی None 34. رئیس الاحرار کس شاعر کو کہا جاتا ہے؟ حسرت موہانی اصغر سودائی جگر مراد آبادی مولانہ محمد علی جوہر None 35. چہار شنبہ ہفتے کا کون سا دن ہے؟ سوموار منگل بدھ جمعرات None Please fill in the comment box below.