Mock Test 56 06/07/2023 – by freshmcqs 1 Welcome to your Mock Test 56 Name Email WhatsApp Number 1. Reko Diq is a mining project in Pakistan for Coal reserves Copper reserves Iron reserves Oil reserves None 2. The boundry between Azad Kashmir and Occupied Kashmir is called: McMahon Line Durand Line Line of Control None of these None 3. Jerusalem is the Holy City of Muslim Jews Christians All of these None 4. Which of the following is not a Scandinavian country? Poland Norway Denmark Sweden None 5. The famous Al-Tehrir Square is in Istanbul Riaz Ankara Cairo None 6. American President Joe Biden belongs to which political party? Republican Party Democratic Party Conservative Party Labour Party None 7. Capital Punishment means Confiscation of property Life imprisonment Death Sentence Fine None 8. Diabetes is caused due to the deficiency of: Calcium Iron Vitamin C Insulin None 9. It is difficult to cook on mountains because of Low atmospheric pressure High atmospheric pressure Low temperature Lack of oxygen None 10. Which of the following protect our body against disease? Red Blood Cells White Blood Cells Platelets None of these None 11. Beautiful is a Helping Verb Adverb Adjective Preposition None 12. Catastrophe means Problems Pressure Disaster None of the above None 13. Small files that are deposited on user's hard drive when they visit a website are called: Code Spam Cookies HTML None 14. Face the music means Bear the consequences Wrong impression Tear shed by a crocodile None of these None 15. Choose one word substitution of "A speech without any previous preparation". Temporary Extempore Deliberately None of these None 16. Mojave Desert is located in______? United States Egypt Canada China None 17. Who was the 16th President of the United States? Franklin D. Roosevelt George Washington Abraham Lincoln None of these None 18. Which person is remembered as the teacher of Madinah? Ibn Abbas Zaid bin Haris Abu Hurayra Musab ibn Umair None 19. Which Muslim Scientist is considered to be the founder of Chemistry? Jabir bin Hayyan Abu Nasr Al-Farabi Ibn Sina Ibn Rushd None 20. Which Mosque was ordered by Allah to destroy? Kafiroon Mushrikoon Zirar None of these None 21. "Led astray" meaning Killed Misguided Lose the job None of these None 22. A partner in crime is called? Polyglot Accomplice Linguist None of these None 23. A person who loves mankind is called Philanthropist Anthropologist Optometrist None of these None 24. Antonym of ZealUrdu Meaning جوش Passion Committedness Ardour Apathy None 25. Synonym of DevilishUrdu Meaning شیطان کی طرح Moral Angelic Satanic Simple None 26. Who is considered one of the great investors in the world? Elon Musk Warren Buffet Bernard Arnault Jeff Bezos None 27. Who is the current Chairman PCB? Ehsan Mani Zaka Ashraf Mohsin Naqvi None of these None 28. Find the average of all numbers between 6 and 34, which are divisible by 5? 15 20 25 30 None 29. In Excel, you can sort data in Ascending order Descending order Both of the above None of the above None 30. Wazir Khan Mosque is located in which city? Lahore Peshawar Multan Thatta None 31. Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms introduced a system called: Monarch Theocracy Diarchy Non of these None 32. Antonio Guterres is serving as the Secretary General of the United Nations. To which country does he belongs? Portugal Srilank Burma South Korea None 33. Which planet in the solar system is farthest from the Sun? Mars Mercury Earth Neptune None 34. Albert Einstein was born in Germany England Sweden France None 35. Which is the first element in Periodic Table? Carbon Oxygen Nitrogen Hydrogen None 36. Who invented Computer Mouse? Bill Gates Tim Berners Lee Charles Babbage Doughlas Engelbart None 37. Salisbury Is the old name of ______? Hebridges Petrograd Harare None of these None 38. Three numbers are in the ratio 4:5:6 and their average is 30. The largest number is 28 30 36 40 None 39. The average of four consecutive odd numbers is 24. Find the largest number 25 27 29 31 None 40. How many umrah did the Holy Prophet (PBUH) performed in his life? One Two Three Four None 41. Which is the capital of Maldives? Maye Male Sofia None of these None 42. Cape Agulhas is where the two oceans meet? Indian and Pacific Atlantic and Arctic Atlantic and Indian None of these None 43. The new name of Facebook is _______? Instagram Meta Beta None of these None 44. اسلامی معیشت میں ریڑھ کی ہڈی کسے کہا جاتا ہے؟ عشر زکواۃ صدقہ خیرات جزیہ None 45. استعارہ کے لغوی معنی کیا ہیں؟ تشبیہ دینا ادھار لینا قرض دینا ان میں سے کوئی نہیں None 46. چچا چھکن کس مصنف کا کردار ہے؟ رتن ناتھ سرشار عبداللہ حسین ہارون امتیاز علی تاج پریم چند None 47. ضرب المثل مکمل کریں ایک پنتھ ___ کاج۔ ایک دو تین چار None 48. International day of democracy is celebrated every year on ________? 10 December 15 September 22 March 15 October None 49. Queen Elizabeth UK longest serving monarch died at the age of _______? 95 96 97 98 None 50. Abbey Road Street is located in _______? Milan, Italy London, UK New York, USA None of these None Please fill in the comment box below.
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